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Showing posts from February, 2021

How does each method of contraception affect your menstrual cycle? A step-by-step guide

  How doe s each method of contraception affect your menstrual cycle? A step-by-step guide. By Kate McGreary Finding the right contraception option for you is really important, and it can take a bit of time before this happens. How  each option affects your menstrual cycle is a factor that a lot of people take into account when researching which contraception they want to try. This article outlines how each method of contraception can affect your menstrual cycle and will give you some more information on each option out there. One important thing to note is that contraception can affect a person’s body in different ways. There is not one universal experience with the combined pill for example. So be aware that this information is there as a guide rather than gospel - each experience with contraception is different for every individual. It’s important to find the one that works best for you! As a side note, for nearly all hormonal methods, irregular bleeding and spotting are...